Generated art for the page or post titledWhat the art, part 2: Constraints, with the content or commit hash c0a6a0b1a80898b178fad939d6e31ba378ed10f6 , and the topics: Art, Technology

What the art, part 2: Constraints

  • Art
  • Technology

In part two in a three part series revealing my new site’s art project, I talk through some of the constraints I chose for the project, the motivation behind them, and how they were achieved in broad strokes.

Previous: What the art, part 1: Why?

In any creative project, constraints are an important part of my process, and a good set of constraints always gives me more satisfaction with the final product.

For the art on this site, the constraints I chose were:


This is a tech blog, I make computers do work for me, and so too it would be with the art. And being a programmer, the first thing I did was look for existing libraries I could use to achieve my goals. But nothing I could find satisfied all of the other constraints.


If it’s not unique, it’s not art (unless that’s the thing that makes it art). I’m not going to let a computer produce the same thing twice and devalue my creativity! So I decided that I needed a way to guarantee that each piece would be distinct from the others. In this case, I did decide to use existing software to get that guarantee: git.

Since every commit to a Git repository has a unique hash, I’m able to use a hash associated with a commit of each post to guarantee its uniqueness. For instance, this post’s unique commit hash is c0a6a0b1a80898b178fad939d6e31ba378ed10f6.


In case you missed the Why…? post, an important goal was to maintain a cohesive theme across the site, to be sure that none of the content feels like it’s not a part of the whole. So while each piece is unique, it should be generally recognizable as part of the whole.


Once a post is published, I want the art piece associated with it to remain the same for the life of the post, even if it’s edited. And again I could use Git to achieve this, by using the first hash associated with a given post’s commit log.

There are a few caveats to this approach:

  1. If I use the first commit on any branch, this discourages committing work-in-progress. I’ve worked around this by filtering by branch and remote:
    git log --diff-filter=A --branches=main --format=%H --remotes=origin -- $FILENAME

  2. Before I’ve committed to a feature branch, the post has no Git history at all. I’ve worked around this by using a SHA-1 hash of the file contents on disk. This doesn’t give me a preview of the actual final product, if I were to publish a given post at that point, but it does have the benefit of letting me do a little bit of quality control as I preview a post in progress!

  3. I never merge to main locally, so I have no way to preview the stable piece associated with any given post until it’s already published! This is a bit of a risk (see Evolution below), but it also removes a bit of incentive for me to overly control the outcome.


I do want to be free to make changes to the underlying algorithm(s) which generate each piece, and make revisions after the fact. This is partly because it’s a living project, and partly because I discovered, in the course of building this first release, something I would have wanted to revise after the fact: a more naïve version of the current iteration was sometimes producing elements which looked, well, rather phallic.

In a sense, this is partly a non-constraint, as it means that old posts can continue to call the same code, they’ll be updated on the next build! But that also means that I will need to have a way to review any rendering changes to ensure I don’t introduce yet another embarrassing body likeness.

Next: What the art, part 3: Implementation